Boosted smoothie

 minutes of preparation



Sea moss is a truly remarkable superfood. Did you know that carotenoids found in sea moss have a range of potential bio functions? These nutrients, known for pigmenting our veggies and fruits yellow or red, are in fact also applauded for their anticancer, antiobesity, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective activities (the list goes on!). Even though you might have a balanced diet already, that extra superfood kick might be just what you need. Whether if it’s because you’ve been extra bussy lately and want to support your nervous system, or because you’re craving something both delicious and healthy!


-1/2 thick slice of pineapple
-1 medium carrot
-1/3 Banana
-1 cm fresh ginger
-1 Serving of our natural sea moss powder
-150 mL of water (add more if needed)
-Lemon juice to taste
-1 tbsp Original Sea Moss Powder


1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend for 1-2 minutes

2. Remember that carrots and ginger are firmer, and needs a proper blend. So make sure to taste for consistency so it’s smooth enough. If not, blend 15 seconds more and taste again.

3. Serve with some ice if you’re feeling it, and enjoy!

We love this smoothie as it’s a mix of sweet and savoury yet so delicious and healthy. Let us know if you try the smoothie, we’d love to know your thoughts. Tag us on Instagram @seatrients 
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